

The Richmond Street Banner Contest

The City of Richmond’s street banner program is a civic beautification initiative that strives to engage community members and showcase local artists. The banner designs are selected through an annual contest that is open to all members of the community.  

The 2024-2025 Richmond Street Banner Contest features a call for entries that represent "Richmond" from the following visual art categories:

•    Photography
•    Digital art
•    Collage
•    Painting and illustration
•    Printmaking

You will be entering a design for one side of the street banner pole. The City of Richmond Parks Department will design and pair each winning banner with one of TEN, colour coordinated, wordmark banners (see example) based on the 2024-2025 banner contest themes.

To view the latest 2024 banners, visit our CURRENT page.

To view an archive of winning banner designs and submission galleries (2018-2023), please visit the Archive

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